Result showed that the gluten content of dough reduced with the increase of sugar level in dough,and the influence of biose was more than simple sugar.
These are maltase, sucrase, and lactase, which break down the short chains of sugars called oligosaccharides into simple sugars, called monosaccharides.
When exposed to enzymes in the saliva, carbohydrates get broken down into simpler sugars, which can become the fodder for those ravenous mouth bacteria.
There's an enzymatic reaction that starts occurring where amylase, naturally present in flour, starts to convert starch into simple sugars that the yeast can then consume.
Not only do we drink a lot of water, but we also drink electrolyte replenishment beverages that also have a source of carbohydrates, of complex carbohydrates, not simple sugars.
Fiber is critical because it can slow down the rate of absorption of simple sugars like glucose in the small intestine which can help maintain healthy blood glucose levels.